Citizenship in Society Merit Badge

The Initiative:
- The Citizenship in Society merit badge is the latest initiative as part of BSA’s ongoing commitment to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Developed by BSA’s Office of Diversity and Youth Development Office, with input from a dedicated group of Scouting volunteers, BSA youth and professional staff, the merit badge pairs Scouts with merit badge counselors who will help guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery and facilitate discussions as Scouts seek to further understand the diverse world we live in.
- “The Citizenship in Society merit badge is an important initiative to help Scouts learn about the diverse identities we each possess, understand different perspectives and experiences, and promote good citizenship in society,” said Elizabeth Ramirez-Washka, chief diversity officer and vice president of diversity & inclusion, Boy Scouts of America.
- The new merit badge complements existing merit badges, such as the American Cultures, Citizenship in the Community, Disability Awareness and American Heritage merit badges, which require Scouts to learn and grow their understanding of diverse perspectives and spur positive action.
How to become a Minsi Trails Council Citizen in Society MB Counselor?
- The BSA has provided specific guidance to local councils on how to prepare counselors for this merit badge. The intent is for Citizenship in Society merit badge counselors to guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery and facilitate important discussions about the diverse world we live in.
- Counselors should not advocate for a particular point of view; instead, they will determine whether that Scout’s response is based on a good faith effort and rooted in the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Counselors must also adhere to the BSA Code of Conduct and Youth Protection Guidelines in all interactions with youth.
Step #1 – Complete the “paper” requirements to be a Merit Badge Counselor Here
Step #2 – BSA National Course – Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Course
- This 30-minute Course is offered through platform – same location for all Adult BSA learning modules.
Step #3 – Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor who have completed all the paperwork, BSA National Course are eligible to officially guide Scouts on January 18, 2023
Overall Supportive Resources
- Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Fact Sheet
- BSA National Council 2019-2020 Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Plan
- Introduction on Magazine Site
- Press Release
- Citizenship in Society Merit Badge for General Audiences
- Counselor Facilitation Guide
- Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Toolkit