Waiver of PA Mandated Background Checks

An adult who has applied for an unpaid position as a volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America, in your position, you are neither responsible for the welfare of a child nor have direct volunteer contact with children and therefore, not required to obtain the PA Mandated Background Checks.
Neither of the following are part of your responsibilities:
Acting in lieu of or on behalf of a parent (at no point am I the person in charge of children).
Providing care, supervision, guidance or control of children and having regular and repeated contact that is integral to my volunteer responsibilities. (I do not attend camping trips as a leader or assist at more than 3 meetings or activities with Scouts per year.)
You affirm that:
I do not present myself as a leader or authoritative figure in the Boy Scouts of America.
If I wear the Scout uniform, it is only for ceremony and not to represent authority.
Understand and have completed the Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers not subject to the PA Mandated Background Checks.
Should your participation, position or responsibilities change, requiring you to obtain the PA Mandated Background Checks, you realize you must submit those certifications to Minsi Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America, before assuming the new position or responsibilities.
Please timely turn in your Disclosure Statement to the Minsi Trails Council Registrar.