Minsi Trails Council Historic Trails Hikes
Minsi Trails Council’s Historic Trails program first debuted in 1969 with 5 trails that Scouts could hike and learn about our region’s history. They were the Colonial Trail, the Uncas Trail, the Durham Trail, the Moravian Trail, and the Sullivan Wilderness Trail. In the early 1990’s 2 more hikes were added – the Nazareth Trail and the Industrial Heritage Trail, followed by 3 more in the late 1990’s – the Towpath Trail, the Quarries Trail, and the Gateway to the Poconos Trail.
In 2023 each of these hikes were updated to ensure safe hiking conditions exist and to incorporate new or updated historical landmarks. These updated booklets are being provided in 2 formats. One for online viewing and one to print out in booklet form. The online version contains links to websites where Scouts may learn further information. For the print version, please ensure your printer can print on both sides, choose the “landscape” paper orientation, and “flip on short edge” while printing. You will then be able to take the booklets on the hike with you.
Units are encouraged to add these hikes into their annual program plan. When Scouts complete 5 of the 10 hikes, they are eligible to wear the medal pictured above. Both the medal and the patches are available for purchase in the Minsi Trails Council Scout Shop. The round center patch may be purchased when the first hike is completed, and rockers are worn for each hike completed. The entire set is 5” in diameter, so if you decide to wear these on your field uniform (class “A”), ensure adequate spacing exists. As this is considered an activity patch it may be worn on the right pocket.
If you find any discrepancies in the booklets or wish to contribute updated photos / information. Send an email to [email protected]
Thank you for your interest in the Minsi Trails Council Historic Trails program.