Camp Minsi at Lake Tobyhanna
After losing their beloved camp along the Delaware River, the Scouts relocated to Lake Tobyhanna, a 1230-acre property owned by the Mountain Ice and Fuel Corporation. The camp, much larger than their former one and included a three-story building that had previously housed the workers of the ice company. ix The new location offered significant improvements over their previous spot, including a 170-acre lake for more boating and swimming activities, which was much safer than the river. At one point, the Scouts even had a 20+ foot long, double masted wooden sailboat.

However, in July 1948, the Mountain Ice & Fuel Company, owned by Samuel Rubel, decided to sell the land and move operations elsewhere. After twenty-one years, Camp Minsi had to relocate again. Fortunately, J. Jay Wilcox, the Chief Executive, was able to convince Rubel to
donate the land around Lake Stillwater. Lake Stillwater is almost twice the size of Lake Tobyhanna and the acreage of the property donated, 1100 acres, is also comparable to the Tobyhanna site. Sadly, Rubel would not live long enough to see the new camp dedicated. He died on April 29, 1949, aged 66.